
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

It never been about the numbers, it's about fighting for what is right for children

3000 members today, it's not about the number for me. It's about fighting for our children, their teachers, and their public schools. A little throwback story to a day when we went from over 7,000 members to 1.
In January 2012 our group had over 7000 members. Then Facebook reconfigured Facebook Groups, and force this group down to 1 member on Valentines DAY 2012.
So I pieced up the pieces, continued to fight the good fight, I spoke up, stood up, carry signs to bring humanity back into our public schools. I pushed hard in the face of legislators, BOE members, and Education Deformers pushing high stakes testing on our children.
I held on to our one certain truth here "Children Are More Than Scores"and I continue to fight against a reign of testing abuse in our public schools,. Once again find myself walking to DC to tell those in power our children are more than test scores.
Someday our children, the ones who have been turned into test scores, data charts, and profits are going to ask us why did we let this happen to them...My plan is and has always been we fought it every step of the way, and together with determined parents and teachers we took our public schools back. We did this out of respect for childhood, we did did out of love for you. 3000, or 1 it does not matter, what matters is each one of us reject the silence and the apathy that is turning public education in a mockery of childhood.
Walking to DC In The Name Of Love,

Friends on May 1, 2015 I am releasing my 2015 walk Youtube trailer about my 400 miles, 40 days from Rural Promfet Connecticut to DC for the BAT Teachers Congress. It will be short, but point people in the right direction for following my walk, or for meeting up with me. People are always welcomed to walk a mile or two with me.
My plan is listen deeply to the stories of students, parents, teachers who feel abused by this education reform policies that have turned education into a game of numbers. Listen to the voices of the people who mainstream media passes over everyday. Their stories matter to me, and they matter to America. I will walk and talk with anyone who comes out to meet me. The plan is to connect those dots of testing abuse from state to state. To take those stories to Congress and the Senate, to the White House, and to testify at the SOS Mock Trial at the BAT Congress.
I am one Man Walking in The Name Of Love To DC,
If you like to know what the Waking Man was listening to on his walk's Eric Clapton's
Walking and singing if I could change the world.....