
Monday, March 22, 2010

Walking to DC March 22, 2010

Well 6 miles, and 814 calories melted away today. My whispered prayers today are for the parents of children who don't fit those neat little standardized testing bubbles. Like Brandy Culver Simmons whose son is in the second grade with an IEP since the start of the year. She and her son are happy where they are at, but the powers that be want to move him to a new school. Where is Brandy's and her son's school Choice? NCLB is not listening to parents, children, or teachers in any of this. Neither Brandy nor her son wants to change schools. I was so touched by her story I walked an extra half mile today. I am not suppose to reach six miles a day until April, but her story gave me the power to go the extra distance today. Roll on August I am on a mission.

Well we are at 2,812 members, and growing by the hour. Georgia Hendrick is carving a walking stick for my walk. You remember Georgia she designed our image for "Children are more than test scores. Well she figures children, parents, and teachers can send me ribbons to attached to my walking stick to show their support. I love the idea, and envision thousands of ribbons on my walking stick. Won't that be a glorious sight? I bet people will notice a guy walking with a stick like that.

My music for today was all spiritual. I began with "Here I am lord"I felt compelled to walk on and sing along as I listened to these words:

"Here I am Lord
Is it I Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night
I will go Lord
If you lead me
I will hold your people in my heart."

Then "Amazing Grace" by Julie Collins lifted me further. There is something deep inside me that is moved by religious music.

I did walk inside today with a nasty rain falling, and thus I was able read another chapter on my kindle in Diane Ravitch's book. She is weaving a powerful case against NCLB/RTTT, and exposing some of the most powerful educational reformers of the past decade as charlatans. This is an absolute must read for anyone wanting to understand how NCLB is undermining our public schools.  The TAWLers are planning a shared online reading group of her book. You can bet I’ll be joining them for this one.
I am walking to DC,


  1. Keep up the good work Jesse!!
    ~ from your resident cheerleader :-)

    ps: I've been lighting a quiet fire in my own school community ..... I wait until I hear another parent says (almost daily) "this prep for State testing is crazy (ours comes up the first week of May) and already our upper grade kids are being brow beaten into test anxiety ..... and also someone usually mentions homework craziness, daily ... I always refer them to online sources to do their own "parental homework" and hopefully we'll build an alliance in our school and community since so many parents feel they have no control over what is going on.... Anyway, I'd better go now.

    Take Care and keep on walkin!!

  2. Thank you Kim. I love the idea of lighting a fire. Georgia Hendrick is craving my walking from sagebrush which she informs even burns underground. Lets light a fire that can be seen from every corner of this nation.
    I am walking to DC,

  3. Wow, you are really amazing. I like the blog. Somehow I missed there was this blog, excellent. Walk lightly.

  4. Oooo, sagebrush - one of our lovely indigenous plants here in So Cal. I have the most sensory memories of sagebrush from my childhood. It connects me to my roots ..... can someone please give me a test on that natural education ??
    Please let us know when and where we can send our ribbon for you to attach to your walking stick. What a sight to behold!!!
    Have a great week.
