
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Race To The Top is another name for "Pink Slime" brain food given to America's children

News of the ammonia-treated additive, formally called lean finely textured beef, set off a reaction by schools and an announcement by the Agriculture Department.

NCLB/RTTT's high stakes testing is Pink Slime being fed to the minds of our children.

People can change things. On March 9th I blogged "Can we trust a U.S. DOE that approves of feeding our children Pink Slime?” all over the country others blogged, talked and complained that the United States Department of Agriculture purchased 7 tons of this "Pink Slime" to use for school lunches. The Pink Slime was soon removed from major supermarket chains, simply because shoppers/consumers and bloggers began to question "I wonder does my supermarket sell this Pink Slime?"  When an informed public speaks up and questions leadership decisions ~ wheels start turning, and pink slime disappears from supermarket shelves!  
We are about to turn the corner on NCLB/RTTT reforms. The tide is shifting. I am joining parents, teachers, educators, and students in DC next Saturday.  We will "Occupy" the United States Department of Education. 
No matter where you are next week-end, talk about us Occupiers. Blog about us; write letters to news editors; and talk us up on the social media networks. In DC I'll be conducting my teach-ins, protesting, singing, and occupying the U.S. DOE.  Oh yea, we will also be asking Secretary Arne Duncan to resign! 
Their NCLB/RTTT house of cards is about to fall. 
America's children are more than test scores Secretary Duncan ~ see you in DC.
Calling all concerned souls in the DC area next week to stand tall with us against the Pink Slime Testing Reforms of NCLB/RTTT.
Details for the week-end in DC can be found:
Join the Revolution, check out our new Save Our Schools website:

Ready to occupy
Jesse The Walking Man Turner


  1. Just checked out those webpages Walling Man. Both great resources. Not certain, but I'll do my best to get to DC.

  2. Jesse, I fully agree that the standardized testing mania is functioning as the cognitive equivalent of feeding our children pink slime. I am the recently retired teacher of the deaf in RI who wrote to you last year. I have participated in an after-school supplemental education program this year in an inner city school, and see firsthand the totally uninspired and uninspiring materials that our neediest children are subjected to. I watched you earlier today via livestream from Occupy the DOE in DC. I wholeheartedly applaud you and all of those who have spoken out. This corporate education reform is a travesty and is destroying our children and our democracy. One can't help but wonder if that isn't the agenda, even though some spokespeople (like Arne Duncan) apparently don't realize the harm they are causing. What children are being subjected to in some charter school chains seems to resemble a totalitarian type of behavioral conditioning. It's horrifying. People need to become informed about what is really happening before it's too late.

  3. Amen Anonymous! Just left UOO's Occupy the DOE in DC. We'll be back in DC this August with the Save Our School Education Convention. Thank you for commenting, and sharing. Sharing is taking action against this madness coming out of DC.
    Ain't no body gonna turn me around,
    Jesse The Walking Man Turner
