
Thursday, September 14, 2017

Governor, once Again, we come to demand a moral budget

It's all tied together, a healthy economy depends on healthy families, healthy children, healthy adults, healthy public schools, and communities. It's tie to whether your state decides to invest in the future, or sell it out. 
In Connective we have three competing budgets that will do great harm to our poor, our schools, and our disabled citizens. However here in America's richest state, two groups will not be harmed, will not be asked to contribute their fair share. Connecticut's Wealthy and it's richest corporations will not be asked to give one more penny. Once again it's working people, the poor, and the disabled that shall balance the budget. We have come to the People's House to demand a Moral Budget.  Today September 14, 2017.... it's time to return to the People's House.

Connecticut Legislators are at it again today in Hartford ,
Trying to bum rush another let the wealthy off, punish the poor and working people budget.
I could stay home this morning,
I could grab that second cup of coffee,
I could hide behind that, one less would not make a difference this day,
I could say I am not my brother's keeper,
I could sleep another 20 minutes,
I could be silent in a world of silence,
But, Bishop Selders is calling,
Rev Josh Pawelek is calling,
Pastor Bennett is calling,
Rev Jan is calling,
Moral Mondays CT is calling,
Due Justice is calling,

Conscience is calling,
I could eat another croissant,
Toast another slice of denial.
But, I keep hearing Theodore Parker voice saying:
"“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.”
I could let others turn up for justice,
I could trust others to ensure that arc of the moral universe bends towards justice at the state capital today,
But Bishop Selders is calling,
Moral Mondays is calling,
I know that moral arc will not bend towards justice,
In a world where the just are silence.
Like Saint George of old, who fought that good fight everyday, I may fall,
But each day I shall rise up again to bend that moral compass towards justice,
Today I will join CT Clergy at the Capital, calling upon this governor and our legislators demanding a Moral Budget.
No, I shall not stay home, when justice calls me,
I maybe just one man.
But I am one man who hears justice calling him today.
See you at the capital,Jesse The Walking Man Turner

Finally some Democratic legislators came out, and listened to our plea for a Moral Budget.
I am not certain is the bum rush immoral budget will pass tonight, but if it does you find me right back at the People's House come Friday morning.

If you like to hear the tune I listened to on my morning walk's"For What It's Worth-Buffalo Springfield (Bluegrass Cover by Del McCoury Band and Friends)

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