
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Humanity, Empathy & Kindness not for Black, Brown & Poor children. If I had a hammer..

Franklin D. Roosevelt said: "Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough." 

Who are these education reformers selling grit and rigor to Black, Brown and Poor communities? They are billionaires, hedge fund managers, and millionaires seeking to profit off the children of the poor. People whose children attend expensive elite private schools. People whose children would never ever attend inner city or rural poor public schools. In other words, people whose only stake in our local public education is they want to control and profit off our public schools.

I reject any notion that human kindness, empathy, and humanity have no place in the education of Black, Brown, and Poor children.  Michelle Alexander warns us about a school to prison pipeline system of public education for children of color.  I see public schools lacking humanity, empathy and kindness as preparation centers for our nation's prisons. Preparations centers for dehumanizing, demoralizing, labeling, tracking, and destroying hope for poor children, their teachers and their public schools. 
I reject a nation where the children of the wealthy, the powerful and the connected:
Get small class sizes, 
Access to the services their children need, 
Fully staffed beautiful school libraries,
Art and music rich Curriculums,
Numerous sports and after school activities, 

Gifted and talented programs.
While Black, Brown, and Poor children get:
Large class sizes,
And metal detectors in their schools.

Edward Everett Hale said: "I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something I can do."
Every tidal wave can trace it's origins to that first drop of rain that fell. I become we, we becomes us, and us becomes that tidal wave of change.
We can speak out,
We can make a sign,
We can walk,
We can sit in,
We can block an entrance,
We can march against inequity,
We can march against in justice,
We can become that tidal wave for humanity, empathy, and kindness for all children.
Trust me, we can shut down a public schools system without humanity, empathy, and kindness for Black, Brown and Poor Children. 

Our July 8, 2016 rally and march demands humanity for all our children.
Our July 9, 2016 Activist Conference prepares parents, students and teachers to take back our public schools.
Our July 10, 2016 Coalition Summit helps people to put this struggle front and center back home. 
Humanity, empathy, kindness for some is unacceptable,

Jesse The Walking Man Turner
If you like to know what this Walking Man is listening on his walk this morning it's Peter, Paul and Mary..."If I had a Hammer"

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