
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

I'm a soldier defending the whole child, the whole person, the whole community

Nell Nodding’s said: "We will not find the solution to problems of violence, alienation, ignorance, and unhappiness in increasing our security, imposing more tests, punishing schools for their failure to produce 100 percent proficiency, or demanding that teachers be knowledgeable in the subjects they teach. Instead, we must allow teachers and students to interact as whole persons, and we must develop policies that treat the school as a whole community." (P.10)

What are we fighting against?
People who put profits ahead of children.
People who want to control the very public schools they refuse to send their children to
People who can be brought for campaign contributions.
People who view our nation's public schools as capital to be traded and sold at will.
People who don't care about the whole person.
People who don't care about whole communities.
You should know them.
They are the selfish.
They are the people whose only concerns are power, money, and themselves.
What should we fight for parents and teachers?
We should fight for educating the whole person against education policies that reduce education to choices without equity.
This is the road I have chosen. The road is long and winding, it is paved with many ugly turns, but it is the right road to take. Now I call you to activism. The activism committed to ending a School To Prison Pipeline that uses testing data to hide its own immoral ineptitude.
I am a soldier traveling over rocky ground, and I am not alone.
Come join us on this rocky road to justice,
Dr. Jesse Patrick Turner
Bruce Springsteen Sings:

I'm a soldier
We've been traveling over rocky ground, rocky ground
We've been traveling over rocky ground, rocky ground
We've been traveling over rocky ground, rocky ground
We've been traveling over rocky ground, rocky ground

Rise up shepherd, rise up
Your flock has roamed far from the hills
The stars have faded, the sky is still
The angels are shouting ,Glory Hallelujah
We've been traveling over rocky ground, rocky ground
We've been traveling over rocky ground, rocky ground
Forty days and nights of rain have washed this land
Jesus said the money changers in this temple will not stand
Find your flock, get them to higher ground
Flood waters rising and we're Caanan bound
We've been traveling over rocky ground, rocky ground
We've been traveling over rocky ground, rocky ground
I'm a soldier
Tend to your flock or they will stray
We'll be called for our service come Judgment Day
Before we cross that river wide
Blood on our hands will come back on us twice

I'm a soldier
Rise up shepherd, rise up
Your flock has roamed far from the hills
Stars have faded, the sky is still
Sun's in the heavens and a new day's rising
You use your muscle and your mind and you pray your best
That your best is good enough, the Lord will do the rest
You raise your children and you teach 'them to walk straight and sure
You pray that hard times, hard times, come no more
You try to sleep, you toss and turn, the bottom's dropping out
Where you once had faith now there's only doubt
You pray for guidance, only silence now meets your prayers
The morning breaks, you awake but no one's there
We've been traveling over rocky ground, rocky ground
There's a new day coming
We've been traveling over rocky ground, rocky ground
I'm a soldier
We've been traveling over rocky ground, rocky ground
There's a new day coming

If you like to hear Bruce sing what I am feeling on my walk over the Avon Mountain this morning..its  Rocky Ground > <

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