
Friday, April 26, 2019

The world is what teachers read in their classrooms

James Baldwin said: " Literature is indispensable to the world. The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way a person looks at reality, then you can change it.”
If you find yourself perplexed by racism in America? You need look no further than which books are being read in our homes and schools.

You can learn a great from what books are in a classroom, which books are being read,
Which books teachers are choosing to read with their students,
You can learn a great deal about a school, by listening to their morning announcements. Schools have a 180 opportunities every school year to either affirm and celebrate diversity, or not.
You can learn a great deal by looking and listening to what happens every school day.

I would argue that one teacher embracing diverse books,
One school embracing diverse books,
One class embracing our beautiful symphony of American diversity does change the world,
One teacher embracing diverse books in their classroom, does indeed change the world,
Diverse books in our classroom, will indeed alter the way the children view the world.

Teachers don't have to wait for a mandate,
Teachers can start changing the world one classroom at a time.
Teachers can change the world?
Teachers can fight bigotry?
Teachers can be the bringers of truth and humanity,
But, only when the diverse books in our curriculum, in our school libraries, and in our classrooms are being read and celebrated.

Diverse books can indeed alter how future generations see the world,
The reading choices one teacher makes can indeed change the world,
Truth be told, the reading choices one teachers makes also can indeed endorse a status quo that changes nothing.
Children are what they read.
Literature is indeed indispensable, literature does alter the way we see the world, each other, and ourselves,
What teachers read in their classroom, "can" change the way future generation see the world.

Teachers read the books that alter the world,
Dr. Jesse P. Turner
CCSU Literacy Center Director

If you like to listen to the tune that inspired my walk this morning its.. For What It's Worth- Buffalo Springfield cover by the Del McCury Band and Friends

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