Something a little different today readers. I have been the TEDxCCSU host for the past three years at Central Connecticut State University. This year we present The magnificent Seven at our 2016 TedxCCSU conference.
The links for each 2016 TEDxCCSU speakers Of
particular interest to the to parents,
teachers, students, and grassroots activists fighting against high-stakes
assessment, the common core, and the privatizing of our public schools will be four
well known heroes in the struggle
to save our public schools.
Dr. Ricardo Rosa
Ricardo takes us right to the point it Equates high-stakes testing with dictating bodies arresting minds; racism in disastrous education. Warning Dr. Rosa holds no punchers, and Takes no prisoners. He equates what’s happening to our children in our public schools in the name of education reform as and indoctrination of racism and white privilege.
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Ricardo takes us right to the point it Equates high-stakes testing with dictating bodies arresting minds; racism in disastrous education. Warning Dr. Rosa holds no punchers, and Takes no prisoners. He equates what’s happening to our children in our public schools in the name of education reform as and indoctrination of racism and white privilege.
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Dr. Denny Taylor
Danny stepped outside the box and challenges us two star immersing children in a meaningful curricula Conversation about saving their world by tackling climate change. Danny dedicated to talk to our children. You are in for treat people foot Doctor Taylor has never let anyone video one of the talks before.
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Danny stepped outside the box and challenges us two star immersing children in a meaningful curricula Conversation about saving their world by tackling climate change. Danny dedicated to talk to our children. You are in for treat people foot Doctor Taylor has never let anyone video one of the talks before.
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Dr. James Miller just in case you aren’t familiar with Dr.
James Miller he is the host of the War
Report on public education. You’re in
for a treat and an education from educator and a scholar who in 15 minutes sums
up education reform as a war on children, parents, and their teachers and
public schools.
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Principal Jamaal Bowman is the principal of
Cornerstone Academy for Social Action middle school in the Bronx.. Principal
Bowman is doing what he does best talking about is school with children more
than test scores, where curriculum is meaningful, and where school prepares young learners to
become full participating citizens in
this Great American democracy. Principal
Bowman is given talks numerous times under topics of high-stakes testing. He is the defender teachers, children,
parents, and local public schools. What
is sweet about tomorrow’s talk in this link is
he offers us a glimpse for what education could be for all children.
Principal Jamaal is quickly becoming America’s most loved principal.
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Bishops John Selders JR: Now for those of you or interested in the bigger moral picture of race and justice this is the TEDx Talk for you. Bishops Selders, takes from Ferguson to the Moral Mondays and Black Lives Matter movement. This TEDx talk is a must see. Bishop Selders challenges each and every one of us Live on that Moral Arch of social justice. Trust me you are in for a real eye-opening treat listening to his TEDx Talk. For his as it church love, justice, and hope. Here is Bishop John Selders JR. ” The Moral Instinct”.
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Bishops John Selders JR: Now for those of you or interested in the bigger moral picture of race and justice this is the TEDx Talk for you. Bishops Selders, takes from Ferguson to the Moral Mondays and Black Lives Matter movement. This TEDx talk is a must see. Bishop Selders challenges each and every one of us Live on that Moral Arch of social justice. Trust me you are in for a real eye-opening treat listening to his TEDx Talk. For his as it church love, justice, and hope. Here is Bishop John Selders JR. ” The Moral Instinct”.
Dr. Ernest
Pancsofar as a professor special education whose whole career has been
dedicated to viewing Special Children as unique, gifted and talented. There is no better advocate for special needs
children Dr. Ernest Pancsofar. Sit back and enjoy Ernie’s TEDx Talk Creativity
and ME.
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Dr. Michele
Dischino is one of Central Connecticut State University's rising stars. She is an engineer with a
passion for learning and teaching who immerses our engineering students in
community service. Her engineers quickly learn creativity and innovation can
only be found on the road of learning from our mistakes. Her Projects are embedded
would love of children. Enjoy her TEDx talk “Failure is an option: How one
educator reengineered our approach to teaching” enjoy
and grow:
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