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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Grit another word for continued inequity and injustice for Black, Brown and Poor Children

Valerie Strauss has a good read in her article in the Washington Post. It does an excellent job exposing the thinking about teaching Grit in our public schools. This is the link below for her article. When you have some time it is really work a read.
Let me make this clear "GRIT" is a code word for Progressive racist reforms that keep Black, Brown and Poor Children down. It means don't change a thing, just tell children to toughen up. It means Progressive Ed Reformers are not willing to do the right thing.
Grit is such a convenient smoke and mirrors cover up for 49 states spending more money on their wealthy schools than their poor schools. Black, Brown and Poor children in America have endured generations of inequity in our public schools. Every Ed Reform policy claiming forcing children and poor schools to meet standards without equity is the same status quo lie that preserves the School to Prison Pipeline.
I am marching with my Moral Monday Leaders Bishop John L. Selders and Rev William Barber in DC this July 8 at the Peoples March for Public Education and Social Justice for equity denied for over a hundred years to Black, Brown, and Poor American children in our public schools. 
Equity is not grit it's doing the right thing for America children.

I have been walking, talking and marching for 50 years for equity and justice in America. I have march every step of the way out of love for my nation and it's people. I march, because I think inequity and injustice ends in America on the day we all march. The only question I have is why isn't everyone marching with us? 
Marching for my people,
Jesse The Walking Man Turner 

If you like to know what song this walking man is listening to on his walk this morning....its Ben Harper "with My Own Two Hands"

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