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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Beyond costly one-size-fits-all Ed Reforms

 There is a difference between the so-called recent literacy experts and me; they chase one-size-fits-all all silver bullets…

I learned from literacy giants; insisting that literacy experts must work in classrooms, next to children, parents, and teachers. Experts who place children at the center of learning. Context and proximity to children are far more important than test scores - or scatter charts. 

Rather than write books, we painted a masterpiece of humanity, and love for books, and focused on creating physical places, and literate environments that said “Come join the Literacy Club.“ We focus on motivating readers, giving them a reason to read, write, talk, listen, and draw new worlds. 

We seek not to prove our methods, but new ways to inspire a love of books. While the rest of the experts battle theory, chasing one-size-fits-all solutions. We battle for humanity, a humanity that honors all learners. 

When they argued that “testing" will save children“ and that one-size-fits-all programs can fix children. We argued children are not broken. Teaching with humanity opens the door to motivation. During the past 27 years, I worked to give children, teachers, and parents a place worthy of them. When no one listened I walked two walks to DC, close to a thousand miles - for humanity in our classrooms. 

Ed Reform Fixers, show me the humanity in your reforms?                                                                            Your boxed expensive curriculums and high-stakes tests have always failed,                                                  Show me the awesome learning environments that you have built,
Show me your humanity.                                                                                                                                  I have put all I have into building a place that inspires reading at our Literacy Center. 

This year is going to be my last year teaching here.                                                                                         I am ready to pass it on - next June. 

After that, who knows… maybe a book about teaching, and awesome welcoming learning places. 

Dr. Jesse P. Turner 

CCSU Literacy Center Director

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