This Walking Man will TURN UP, This Walking Man will stand arm in arm with his brothers and sisters against injustice in our public schools.
My only question is will you TURN UP?
Fighting for equity for Black, Brown, and poor public schools is essential to ending the School to Prison Pipeline that has crushed the lives of children of color since the 19th century. Inequity in funding has plagued our public schools since the very beginning. The mask that provides cover for what Jonathan Kozol identifies as "Savage Inequalities" for over a hundred years has been testing. Testing provides that smoke and mirrors hiding racist education policies. It keeps the public eye off that fact that America has never done right by Black, Brown, and Poor children in our public schools. Public Education history provides an abundance of evidence testing policies have always exacerbated inequality in our public schools. Let me be very clear testing masquerading as education reform is merely a policy of forcing Black, Brown, and Poor Public Schools to compete for planned scarcity of resources. Inequity is injustice in our public schools and is simply immoral.
Bishop Selder's is speaking at the Peoples March for Public Education and Social Justice on July 8, 2016, because Moral Monday People have always known this. Silence and apathy in the face of injustice have always been immoral.
Proud to be marching with my Moral Monday's bothers Rev William Barber and Bishop Selders at the Peoples March,
Jesse The Walking Man Turner

If you want to listen to the tune from my morning walk today its....Gospel sisters B Leza version of " Aint gonna let nobody turn me around.
Feel like marching with us? >
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